Friday, August 14

Lets Talk Dj Coalitions By Dj Iceman

If you know me,you know im a part of about 100 dj coalitions. lets break down what a dj coalition is and the pros and cons of being in one.
First off a dj coalition is a group of like-minded djs all striving for the same goal. and with so many coalitions out there how do you know which one is for you? its ultimately up to you to decide that. being in a coalition is like being in an extended family of djs. its a great networking opportunity. a lot of coalitions have exclusive access to artists and new music. some have plugs in radio,internet radio,and publishing. some have venue connections and others can help you get your mixtape out with plugs with certain sites.some coalitions even have help with mixtapes. everything from graphic design,to their own models for mixtape covers. most coalitions have weekly or monthly conference calls. these are done mostly to take care of coalition business, or to connect with artists. you get to know about an artist’s new project.maybe get to hear it first,and to support the artist just as the artist is supporting the dj by doing the call. this is a way to network with the artists. some are even so kind as to do drops for the individual djs . more and more coalitions are also having yearly conferences. these are mainly done so the djs can connect and network face to face as many djs in the same coalition live in different states or even different countries. most of these conferences are full of dj battles/workshops,panel discussions and seminars,and artist/dj showcases. there are some coalitions that have their own radio stations or plugs/connections with radio stations that can get your mixes heard or even have you on for a daily/weekly/monthly basis.some even offer promo services. what it all boils down to is more oppertunities for djs. not that you cant do things on your own,but sometimes being a part of a coalition can make the road easier.
Now there can be problems with being in coalitions. some have exclusivity clauses. meaning if you are with them,you cant join any other groups. some has mandatory songs you have to put on your mixtapes every month. if the song doesnt fit your format or if you dont like the song,it doesnt matter. lol and dealing wth so many different djs and personalities,there may be some people you dont get along with. so if you dont play well with others being in a coalition may not be for you.
I can say i personally love my coalition experience. ive run into a lot of lifelong friends and family members and have gotten a ton of support and oppertunities. i have gotten to interact with artists i would never have had access to any other way. i gotten a ton of new music. and most of all ive had a lot of fun. so i hope ive been able to help you as to what a dj coalition is and how it can help you. if you have any questions feel free to comment below or hit me on my facebook (

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